Legowelt (real name Danny Wolfers) is a Dutch electro musician who describes his musical style as a hybrid form of slam jack combined with deep Chicago house, romantic ghetto technofunk and EuroHorror Soundtrack.

Already a few years in the business Legowelt has released a dozen or so projects on various formats, most of them on vinyl released on Bunker records, The Hague’s electronic music label. He has had some mainstream exposure with ‘Disco Rout’ which was voted track of the year 2002 by the German music magazine, Groove.
Legowelt began producing music when in the early 1990s after he came in contact with the sounds of Detroit’s Underground Resistance, Model 500, Blake Baxter (probably his all-time favourite producer) and Chicago heroes such as Farley Jackmaster Funk, Armando Gallop and Mr. Fingers. Later on this palette of influences grew with early µ-Ziq, Aphex Twin, Drexciya, various releases from the Irdial Discs label.
He marks his major influence as ‘Unit Moebius’ after he heard them on the radio. He describes their sound as “a punky palette of RAW freaked out Lo-fi Chicago trax and deep detroit jams made with machines which were found next to the garbage can.”
It was a surprise to him when he later learnt that this music came out of The Hague, Holland, the very same city he lived in. He then later visited the Bunker Records office where he was taken under the wing of such musical mentors as IF and Melvin White (aka pametex). He claims they “lectured him with even more unknown sounds such as early electro and the obscure pre-1983 Italian disco which production secrets were closely studied.”
In 1998 Bunker released Legowelt’s first vinyl album, Pimpshifter, a 6-track which became an instant cult hit with tracks such as ‘Stumvogel’ and ‘Total Pussy Control’.
Apart from producing, Legowelt has been playing live all over the world for the last 5 years. A lot of time together with Orgue Electronique and the infamous Bunker Team.
Some aliases and side-projects he has are Catnip (with Luke Eargoggle), The Chicago Shags (with Orgue Electronique), Gladio, Smackos, Smackulator (with Speculator), Squadra Blanco, and Venom 18.